
For a man born on July 14, 1982, at 08:30, the following chart emerges. His personal element – Day Master is the icon with the blue color. In this particular example, his personal element – Day Master is Yang – Earth.

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Wood Fire Earth Metal Water

甲 Yang Wood

People who belong to the Yang Wood profile are interested in progress and expansion at a slow and steady pace. They have their own beliefs, passionately support their opinions, and are reluctant to change their minds.

They are straightforward and honest and dislike lies and deception. Whenever asked for advice, they are always objective and will tell the truth no matter what. They are usually solitary, conservative, and immobile. They resist change and always want to feel security and stability in their lives, just as a tree needs to be deeply rooted.

Any sudden and intense change that occurs in their lives is a shock to them, and they need time to readjust.

They are people with patience and a disposition for continuous progress who accept changes and developments at their own pace.

乙 Yin Wood

It represents the flower, the greenery, the grass.

People who belong to the Yin Wood profile have many talents and have the ability to learn to apply them successfully. They have a very good mind and quick perception.

They are people who adapt easily to life according to circumstances and are very flexible. They are pleasant, with gentle behavior and charm. They represent elegance and can move successfully in all social circles. They appreciate beauty and have an innate taste for arts and culture. Many times, others cannot understand what people with the Yin Wood profile have in their minds because it is very well hidden, just like the roots of the flower are underground.

In their lives, whatever happens, they are born to survive and be reborn from their ashes. And when this happens, they are even stronger.

丙 Yang Fire

It represents the sun.
People who belong to the Yang Fire profile are the most reliable, as just as the sun rises and sets every day on Earth, they are always there, following a steady path.

They are generous, active, philanthropic, and persistent, and sometimes they may push their limits when they want to achieve something, thus depleting their energy.

Many times, they feel like they are the center of the universe and may behave egocentrically. They cannot tolerate indifference. When they analyze a situation, they lack the ability to see it deeply and remain superficial.

They follow the rules and can see situations objectively and from all perspectives.

Their role is to offer joy, passion, life, and to enjoy the stability and the facts they create themselves.

丁 Yin Fire

It represents the fire that illuminates, the candle that shines.
People who belong to the Yin Fire profile are gentle, cultivated, and charming individuals. Discreet and naturally quiet, they pay attention to what they do and say.

They are faithful to their friends and may sacrifice if needed. When they are close to loved ones, they show a more intense, expressive, and dynamic personality. They are very interested in others and often are the ones who bring joy and passion to their environment, sometimes neglecting themselves.

Many times, they exhibit unstable behavior because their feelings may change according to the circumstances they face.

They are the people who constantly want to learn, improve, and spread themselves, like fire. They can illuminate and show the way to others as leaders.

戊 Yang Earth

It represents the rock or the mountain.

People who belong to the Yang Earth profile do not change easily, and for that to happen, something very powerful and intense must occur in their lives, like an earthquake shaking the ground.

Because they tend to settle into situations, they usually become procrastinators. Any intense change is welcomed in their lives because it makes them realize that they need to renew themselves and move forward in life.

They are the most reliable and stable people as they create a sense of security and are the first ones others turn to when they have problems. They are secretive and mysterious and only reveal their deep thoughts to very close people.

When they feel safe and comfortable in their environment, they can unfold their pleasant side of character and become the best company for fun.

己 Yin Γη

It represents the soil and the fertile earth that gives life to plants and constantly produces.

People who belong to the Yin Earth profile are tender individuals who care for and protect their family and loved ones.

They are creative people with many talents who need their time to bring them to the surface. Their journey with people and situations leads them to progress, and gradually their abilities and progress in life are revealed. They are like the soil that needs time to bear fruit.

They are people with a lot of knowledge who know who is useful, where to go, and what to do. However, many times they do not use this information for themselves but wait for someone in their life to show them.

They are very interested in the people in their lives being happy and content beside them. Their role is to continuously produce and generously offer their support and love.

庚 Yang Metal

It represents the sword or the axe that shapes a piece of wood.

People who belong to the Yang Metal profile are tough individuals who endure hardships and must work hard in their lives. Born leaders, they are willing to go through difficulties to achieve their goals.
The more they experience in their lives, the better they become and reveal their abilities.

They are people with very good memory, they seldom forget and keep records. Altruistic, they can step forward in life and fight for a cause. They will do anything to come out as winners regardless of the consequences.

They value friendships and can give everything for them. They may be tough types, but internally they are distinguished by their gentleness and care for the people they have chosen.

They are the people who can take on responsibilities and defend what is just.

辛 Yin Metal

It represents the beautiful jewel that shines.

People who belong to the Yin Metal profile are those who represent brilliance, beauty, and elegance. In their lives, they seek comfort, luxury, and the best for themselves.
They are careful in choosing friends and contacts as they want others to meet their demands for the best. They cannot tolerate difficulties and problems, and this often causes them discomfort and leads them astray.

They are not inclined to engage in arguments and provoke confrontations. They want to present a flawless image outwardly and do everything for it.

They excel in the field of presentation, possess many talents, and use their inherent charm to achieve the best results.

They are sensitive and deeply bond with the people they choose.

壬 Yang Water

It represents the ocean or the river.

People who belong to the Yang Water profile are active and always want to be in constant motion. As independent individuals, they carve their own path in life and do not stop at any obstacle. Born revolutionaries, they do not like to be guided.
They possess one of the strongest minds and always find solutions to problems. Often, others struggle to understand the depth of their thoughts and cannot keep up with them.

Rarely will they engage in arguments because they believe they can find a solution and do not have time to waste. Nevertheless, they easily change moods, much like how water can change direction.

Extremely adaptable and flexible, they can achieve whatever they envision. They are ambitious, outgoing, and have a strong temperament.

Their main characteristic is the speed in which they think and act, making them unique.

癸 Yin Water

It represents the cloud, the dewdrops, and the rain.
It’s the water that brings life, nourishes plants, moistens the soil, and fosters growth.

People belonging to the Yin Water profile are those who inspire others and bring renewal into their lives. They are creative, versatile, and flexible, constantly evolving and improving.
They usually get bored easily and don’t like dealing with too many details. What they project outwardly is a soft and trusting persona, but they actually harbor wisdom within them. They get easily excited, are kind-hearted, and tender.

Among their strengths is having a very strong and open mind and being able to perceive everything. They want to stand out and discover new paths in life.
Often, their personality is a mystery to most because others cannot grasp the breadth of their thinking.

Their mood can easily change, much like how a cloud changes shape and size and suddenly turns into rain. This is also true for individuals with a Yin Water profile; when they get angry, it rarely happens.

Their role is to guide, give life, inspire, and create in a gentle and pleasant manner.