Find out your lucky directions!
In Feng Shui, our favorable directions are determined through our Life Star (Gua number).
The Life Star number is calculated by the year of your birth and by your sex.
The above chart is a guide with which we can easily find our favorable directions and avoid those which are unfavorable.
Favorable Directions
- The first direction is represented in the chart by Sheng Qi star.
This is a very favorable star, which brings wealth, it attracts career opportunities and it improves prestige and power. It also involves political issues and it awakens to the full.
This is an ideal direction for an office.
It is not a suitable direction for relaxation and sleep, because it will activate you rather than let you relax.
- The 2nd direction in the chart is represented by Tian Yi star.
Tian Yi brings intellectual and bodily health, vitality and it strengthens the organism. It also brings help and support from noble people. Last, it favors the capacity of speaking.
Tian Yi direction is suitable for your bed, so that during your sleep you will be receiving the star’s beneficial energy.
This direction is also favorable for the main entrance of the house.
Tian Yi star is the best direction for a doctor’s office, because it aids in making the right decision and assessment, when it comes to patients.
- The 3rd direction in the chart is represented by Yan Nian star.
Yan Nian star is used for strengthening relations in all fields of life. It favors communication and contact. It is the ideal direction for signing contracts and for successful cooperation. For instance, it would be good for a conference room to be headed towards Yian Nian.
Last, directing your bed towards Yian Nian can help in warming up relations and in conceiving children.
For example, for somebody who has Life Star number 9, the 3rd favorable direction is the North, so we place the bed accordingly. This direction is also favorable for the main entrance of the house.
- The 4th direction in the chart is represented by Fu Wei star.
Fu Wei star has a relaxing influence on people. It brings luck, concentration and calmness. This is the ideal direction for student offices and for those occupied with intellectual work. Moreover, people who meditate or want to relax can be directed towards Fu Wei.
This is an ideal direction for sleeping.
This direction is also favorable for the main entrance of the house or the office because it brings luck and calmness.
Example: The favorable directions for somebody who is Life Star 1 are given in the chart:
- 1st direction: Southeast (SE)
- 2nd direction: East (E)
- 3rd direction: South (S)
- 4th direction: North (N)
The office faces SE, which is the first favorable direction for somebody with Life Star 1
Unfavorable Directions
- The first unfavorable direction in the chart is represented by Huo Hai star.
Huo Hai star brings obstacles. This is the least unfavorable star since it brings delays and postponements, but not to an unmanageable extent.
Avoid facing Huo Hai when you sleep.
For instance, for Life Star 2, the 1st unfavorable direction is the East, so neither our beds nor our offices should be facing the East.
- The 2nd unfavorable direction in represented in the chart by Wu Gui star.
Wu Gui star brings disease and destruction. It can negatively affect money and bring treason, deceit and burglary.
The main entrance of your house, or your office should not be headed towards Wu Gui.
For example, for Life Star 7 the 2nd unfavorable direction is in the South, so your office should not be directed towards the South. Neither the main entrance of your house, nor your office should be facing the South.
Your bed should not be directed towards the South.
- The 3rd unfavorable direction in the chart is represented by Liu Sha star.
Liu Sha star brings aggressiveness, legal dispute, gossip and divorce. It might even bring injuries and attacks. Your bed should not be headed towards it.
For instance, somebody who has Life Star 9 should not let their bed, main entrance or office have a Southwest direction.
- The 4th most unfavorable direction is represented by Jue Ming star.
Jue Ming star can bring bad luck, accidents, divorces, disease and financial ruin. It is recommended we avoid it.
For instance, somebody who has Life Star 4 should not have their bed, main entrance of the house or office, in this direction.
Example: The unfavorable directions for somebody who is Life Star 8 are:
- 1st direction: South (S)
- 2nd direction: North (N)
- 3rd direction: East (E)
- 4th direction: Southeast (SE)
The bed faces North which is the 2nd unfavorable direction for somebody with Life Star 8.